About David Troup

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So far David Troup has created 31 blog entries.

Hypernite 2016 – Xensr big air night jam

Just another amazing Saturday night big air comp at Club Wake Park.
Missed the fun? No worries, it will be back! Follow us on FB or Instagram to know first.

Event sponsored by Hyperlite, Xensr, Mystic and WakeStation.
Edit by Sam Pascall Imagery.

By | November 11th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Hypernite 2016 – Xensr big air night jam

Firmware 1.09 Available

Its a weird time of year, with crop circles, cattle mutilations, and sesh files getting all weird on you. Crop circles and cow mutilations notwithstanding, we do have a great solution for those funky sesh files. FIRMWARE 1.09! No longer improved file system, this is a FIXED file system! And for those Windows 10 users, 1.09 also fixes the USB issues. Get it and upgrade today. Your sesh files are depending on you!  https://my.xensr.com/firmware/

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By | October 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Firmware 1.09 Available

Xensr Leaderboards. Go beyond the height.

Leaderboards are about more than just a jump heights. They’re about a rider’s session. Their location. Their experience. Their environment. Go beyond the list and explore the world’s best locations from the rider’s sessions. Go beyond the height, and tell your session story with Xensr. Take a deep dive into Kostas leaderboard session. https://my.xensr.com/leaderboard/#!world/World/Kiteboarding/

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By | September 14th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Xensr Leaderboards. Go beyond the height.

Next Generation Xensr Air

We couldn’t be more excited to announce the New Xensr Air! On the outside we have high visibility LED’s under a clear lens, easily visible even in direct sunlight. On the inside we have a tweaked sensor suite and for your wallet, the New Xensr Air is only $199.95. We’re taking a limited number of pre-orders now and will ship in November to customers and dealers world-wide. We will be revealing more about the coming software features in the new Air in the coming weeks, so stay tuned! Pre-order yours today!

By | September 8th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Next Generation Xensr Air

LEADERBOARDS and new firmware

NEWS FLASH! Xensr Firmware 1.08 is released! Lots of BIG changes with this release – most notably is a rebuilt TruMotion jump engine that improves stability, reliability and accuracy. Other fixes for file system stability are also included in this firmware. This firmware has been in the works for months, and with its release we are now able to unlock Xensr Leaderboards! In order to compete on the leaderboards, you MUST HAVE FIRMWARE 1.08. So go get it, and get boosting! Leaderboards for Kite and Wind are live, and more are coming! https://my.xensr.com/firmware/

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By | September 8th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on LEADERBOARDS and new firmware

Xensr Wave Replay SUP Surfing

Groms Jeffrey and Finn Spencer take their Xensr Air 3D GPS with Wave Replay analytics for a SUP surf session on Maui. Wave Replay for SUP surfing tracks every wave caught, attempted, length of wave ride, duration of wave ride. It totals up your surfing and paddling split times and split distances all while recording the entire session in brilliant 3D for replay analytics.


Even if you forget your GoPro, you have detailed playback of all your action with Wave Replay. Wave Replay also measures the swell during the session so you also have a record of how big the swell was. Discover Xensr Wave Replay today at 

Xensr Wave Replay for Stand Up Paddle Surfing. Track all your waves with detailed stats and insane 3D replay! from Xensr on Vimeo.

By | July 27th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Xensr Wave Replay SUP Surfing

Summertime south swell surfing on Maui with Xensr Wave Replay

Xensr Wave Replay from Xensr on Vimeo.

By | July 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Summertime south swell surfing on Maui with Xensr Wave Replay

Sports Illustrated Features Xensr Air and Wave Replay!

Nice writeup on the recently launched Wave Replay for the Xensr Air 3D GPS. 


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By | July 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Sports Illustrated Features Xensr Air and Wave Replay!

Introducing Xensr Wave Replay. The World’s Most Advanced Surf Tracker.


Xensr Inc. released Wave Replay™ which turns the Xensr Air 3D GPS into the world’s most accurate and detailed surf tracking device. Surfers around the world can track their surf sessions like never before with detailed analytics and 3D replay of their rides showing every bottom turn, hit, and air. Wave Replay™ also measures swell height. Xensr is the only surf tracker with this ability. Mounted to the surfboard, Xensr Air 3D GPS measures and records everything the board and surfer does during their sessions. 

“Wave Replay does what no other tracker can do.” says CEO David Troup. “Mounted to the board instead of the wrist, Xensr Air sees everything the rider does. Wave Replay breaks down sessions into the vital stats a surfer wants to see. Surfers can identify their best take-off points and more using the Wave Replay map for unique swell conditions helping them improve for their next session.”

Xensr Wave Replay provides the following surf analytics:my_xensr_screen3

  • Number of waves caught. 
  • Number of waves attempted. 
  • Fastest speed per wave. 
  • Length of each wave […]
By | July 21st, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Introducing Xensr Wave Replay. The World’s Most Advanced Surf Tracker.

Get it and shred it!

Get it and shred it! New firmware for your Air! Version 1.07 is now available. In this release – major updates to the core system for stability and improvements to TruMotion events : jump algorithms.

By | July 14th, 2016|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Get it and shred it!