Xensr Demo Days – Waddell Edition


Hey San Fran and Santa Cruz kiters! The Xensr demo team will be at Waddell Creek this Saturday afternoon. Stop by and we’ll hook you up with a XensrCase and you can finally find out just how high you can huck it!
By | August 14th, 2013|xensr|Comments Off on Xensr Demo Days – Waddell Edition

World Record Kite Jump Measured by Xensr

Jesse Richman broke a kiteboarding world record by soaring to 790.68ft using a XensrCase to measure the jump.

“The rumour around town was that I was going to jump out of a helicopter. That wasn’t exactly right.” Despite using the kind of propeller that spins under water rather than spinning through the air, Maui-based kiteboarder Jesse Richman managed to soar up to almost 250m – a kiteboarding world record – above the Columbia River. How? A “tow-up” from BASE-jumper friend Jon Malmberg, using his wakeboard boat.

“We’ve wanted to do this for years,” says Richman, who won the Red Bull King of the Air in February on Maui. “I started experimenting last summer with a reinforced bar, and extra kite lines. But we never got to the point where we felt safe enough to go really high.”

“At one point, I was moving at 57mph airspeed,” said Jesse. Richman’s speed, height, acceleration and other three-dimensional data were recorded using a handy new iPhone app + device called the Xensr case, which measures movement in mere millimetres.


[RedBull / JesseTowUp]

By | August 13th, 2013|xensr|Comments Off on World Record Kite Jump Measured by Xensr

First Huckfest a success!

Super nice writeup of the first annual Hood River Huckfest! 

By | July 18th, 2013|xensr|Comments Off on First Huckfest a success!

Xensr at the 2013 Motion Developers Conference

Xensr’s Founder and CEO, David Troup, was a presenter at the 2013 Motion Developers Conference held in San Francisco on  July 11.
By | July 11th, 2013|xensr|Comments Off on Xensr at the 2013 Motion Developers Conference